Introducing the SOUL TITHE Membership

In many religious traditions, tithing is considered a way to show devotion to God or to express gratitude for blessings received

Soul Tithe is a well of self-care rituals to live by, an accumulation of the practices I’ve grown to love over the years.

Soul Tithe is both an expansive library of practices updated weekly, and a monthly schedule of live workshops, classes and circles exploring Sound Healing, Deep Rest, Herbalism, seasonal living, meditation, breathwork and restorative movement. This is not just a inner healing circle, but an intimate, digital space: a secret restoration house where we have tea, talk and practice all things cannabis, deep breathing, energy, intuition, beauty, love, spirituality, all while cultivating joy and inner peace.

We will collectively practice devoting time to nourish ourselves at a soul level in as little as 10 seconds and for as long as an hour each day. Since the word “tithe” simply means tenth in the Hebrew language, and the number 10 is associated with completeness, representing the cycle of new beginnings, I’m excited to keep with the theme, giving at least 10% of our day to express gratitude and introduce the Soul Tithing approach to health and wellbeing.

Soul Tithing is about deepening into sense of self worth, and honoring the living altar that is our mind, body and soul. It doesn’t require that you identify with a particular religion or denomination. It does not require a large investment but it does require your commitment to the journey. Soul Tithe is a collection of all the tools, techniques and practices I draw upon daily to support a rich, full life of doing what I love and navigating the challenges that arise along the way.

If you’re interested in joining this community, please sign up for the newsletter to receive an update when registration opens!


Ritual Baths for Purification and Restoration


Cooking with Cannabis: the Basics (Part 1)